Servo waxa uu qabsadaa daboolka dhalada oo uu adkeeyaa daboolka dhalada si uu u hubiyo in si sax ah loo qabsado iyo maroojinta furka. Tiknoolajiyada kontoroolka Servo waxaa loo isticmaalaa in lagu xakameeyo xoogga iyo xawaaraha isku-duubka si ay ula qabsadaan noocyada kala duwan ee koofiyada dhalada iyo dhalooyinka si looga fogaado dhaawac ama dabacsanaan daboolka dhalada.
Bottle capping machine suitable for screwing caps of different bottle shapes in industries such as condiments, food, pharmaceuticals, daily chemicals, pesticides, and cosmetics Bottle screw capping machine with cap supply, bottle clamping, conveying, and screwing caps are all completed automatically. The machine has good stability and is easy to adjust Bottle screw capping machine lower cap air gripper grabs, it is more stable and reliable
Bottle screw capping machine excellent flexibility, can be adjusted according to the height of the bottle and the size of the bottle cap, tightness can be adjusted according to customer requirements
Servo grips the bottle cap and tightens the bottle cap to ensure accurate grip and stable screwing of the cap. Servo control technology is used to control the force and speed of screwing to adapt to different types of bottle caps and bottles to avoid damage or looseness of the bottle cap.
Full Harvest bottle screw capping machine as China best capping machine manufacture,we can follow your requirement to customized machine .If you have any requirements about the capping machine , feel free contact us